Just got the word that we will receive next week from Minichamps the 1978 Lotus 79 World Championship car of Mario Andretti and team mate Ronnie Peterson. In normal Minichamps "better late than never" fashion, we have been waiting almost 4 years from the initial announcement. The good news, no price increase and the model does have a removable engine bonnet to show the motor detail. If you have a pre-order in, we will be shipping ASAP. If you don't, get your order in now as we won't have much excess stock after filling all our pre-orders.
Word is that we will not be able to re-stock this one till after Christmas, so if this one is on your wish list then act now. Pics look good!
More later!
Looks like a great model. I will purchase one as soon as I know I can get JPS decals. The car is naked without them!