I'm still shocked at how many of you are reading the blog. This is new found motivation for me, so again thanks to all that check it and leave me your 2 cents.
From my July 15 post, sorry to say that the Gurney Eagle 3 car set is already sold out. This was a L/E of just 300 sets. Those that got one, good for you. Those that didn't, proceed to ebay....
From last week:

New shipment of Ebbro just in, see all the latest here:

Two limited editions from The Franklin Mint. These were not available to us previously. Both are already sold out, we have just 12 pieces of each. M-B 300 SLR and Plymouth GTX triple black.

New Mustang GT350 race version from Exact Detail. It's been a long time since we have seen a new race version.

Want the latest in high performance computer accessories? Check out our selection of Road Mice. Why have a plain old mouse in your hand all day when you can have a car in your hand instead? I'm using the new Chevy Camaro in silver w/black stripes. See our complete selection here: http://www.replicarz.com/products.asp?dept=775
Hope everyone has a good week.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Until next time....
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