and just enough time for a quickie post.
By the way, I was recently referred to by a long time
customer as his "model pimp". Laughed like hell, never
heard that one before. I like to refer to our relationships as
"you're all junkies and I'm you're dealer".
OK, ton of stuff this week. Well worth the time to hit the new
1:18 and 1:43 categories.
Autoart dropped a 1:18 bomb on us and Minichamps backed
that up with a slew of 1:43, Street cars, race cars, old cars, new
But before that, let's go big to small this week.
CMC brought us Lucybelle 2 in 1:18 scale, well Amalgam has
just announced it in massive 1:8 scale. Complete opening features
and engine detail which isn't always the case with these over the
top resin monsters.

Speaking of Autoart, in that same shipment was this color
variation of the Bugatti Veyron in 1:12 scale. Autoart is on
a relentless journey to dominate this scale.

Just click this picture of Jim Clark's Lotus Cortina to see
all the 1:18 arrivals we got this week.

And click on the Hippie Porsche to see all the new 1:43 arrivals
from Minichamps.
OK, gotta get ready to go out for cabbage night.......
Hope ya'll have a great weekend!