Preferred Buyers be on the look out for the Braking Point Newsletter, it will be in your mailbox any day now. Some "members only" items this month so check 'em out.
Also, our winter edition full size master catalog is also in the mail this week, so be on the look out for this as well.
OK, we have some catching up to do, so I'll give you the latest/greatest and then get back at ya shortly for some of the things from the last few weeks.

Kyosho BMW Z4 with retractable roof

Lambo Countach LP500
Timeless Classic, this one will never go out of style

Minichamps Mercedes 300SL Roadster
Also back in stock is silver Gullwing
Button 2009 1:12 scale Nose Cone
1:12 Kawasaki H1 500 Triple
Any of you bike guys know that this bike was the one that started the 2 stroke revolution.
Beautifully done by Minichamps. This was the bike to have in the early 70's.
Looking for a great Motorcycle display case?
Franklin Mint, will fit 1:10 or 1:12 bikes. Very classy way to display your bikes.
2009 LeMans Review DVD
Tons of new 1:43 this week
From Spark, both modern day and older LeMans versions.
From Minichamps, 2009 F1 and some '08 as well.
Check 'em out, 2 pages of new releases here:
Minichamps Fangio MB W196
Mattel 1:43 Fangio Ferrari D50 1956 WC
I know, a lot of you cringe when you hear the word Mattel.
This one is actually quite good....
Senna "Anniverary" Edition Lotus
OK, should be it for today. I'm out......